Last updated
Last updated
Date: 21/05/2022
Difficulty: EASY
First things first. let’s test the connection with the target machine:
The ttl value of 63 may indicate that the target machine is Linux.
Let’s launch a nmap scan in order to discover the open tcp ports:
There are 3 ports open: 22 (ssh), 80 (http), 443 (https).
Let’s see what is hosted in the http and https ports:
Seems to be the same page.
Wappalizer confirms the versions of apache and openssl. I’m going to search if any of this services has a vulnerability I can use:
Not apparently… Let’s enumerate the directories using wfuzz:
wfuzz -c --hc 404,403 -L -t 200 -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt
Looks like a standard page…
Ok, no clues. Let’s go back and see what we found so far…
Taking a look to the whatweb response, there is something that looks like a domain… office.paper
let’s add it to the /etc/hosts file and take a look to it in the web browser:
Yeah, there is a website here!
This site is using Wordpress 5.2.3
Let’s take a look to the page content…
The post says that the only user in the blog is Prisonmike
, but another user (nick
) replied telling him that he has secret information in the blog drafts. If we gain access to the administration panel we should take a look to the drafts.
There is nothing interesting in the other 2 post available, but we can find other 2 posts if we click on Search
A simple test post and another one of Nick reminding him to not write secrets in the drafts.
We didn’t found anything that could be a password for Prisonmike user, so let’s try to login with default credentials:
is not a valid user, but prisonmike
is. But we still don’t know the password.
Using searchsploit I found a exploit that seems capable of view unauthenticated posts…
Let’s try it!
So, yeah, we have access to the draft posts contents… There is one with a “secret” url that seems interesting… Let’s add
to /ect/hosts file and visit it with the web-browser
It is a register page, let’s register a new user:
Automatically I get invited to a chat:
Let’s take a look to the chat messages:
So, let’s open a private chat with Recyclops and see if we can enumerate something:
Let’s see if it’s vulnerable to path traversal:
Yep, it is… and we should have access to user flag this way:
Not that easy… yep, it is only readable by the owner… there will a ssh key?
Nope… but the .hubot_history sounds interesting:
There is a connect command? I tried to use it, but it doesn’t seems to work.
woah, we found credentials: recyclops:Queenofblad3s!23
Let’s see if we can login as recyclops in the chat:
Nope, we can’t… Recyclops is a bot made by Dwight… Will him be reusing credentials? Let’s check it via ssh: