Last updated
Last updated
Date: 30/06/2022
Difficulty: Easy
Let’s start testing the connection with the target machine by sending a ping:
The ttl confirms that we are against a Windows Machine. Let’s move to the nmap scan to see if there are any TCP port open:
There are many ports open! Let’s do a detailed scan to these ports:
Let’s start with the SMB (port 445). I’ll use crackmapexec to gather more info:
Let’s see if we can see something inside the SMB without credentials:
Not with smbmap, let’s try it with smbclient
Ok, apparently we cannot access to the SMB… let’s try to find some usernames using kerbrute:
We found some valid usernames!
Let’s create a list of valid users:
Any of them would be AS-Rep Roastable?
None of the discovered user has the UF_DONT_REQUIRE_PREAUTH
set, so no AS-Rrep Roast available.
Maybe is not the best idea, but let’s try to obtain a password of a discovered user using Kerbrute:
or do it with a one liner:
cat validusers | while read LINE; do /opt/kerbrute/kerbrute bruteuser --dc -d htb.local -t 200 /usr/share/seclists/Passwords/xato-net-10-million-passwords-10000.txt $LINE; done
But nah, no password has been discovered using this usernames and the password dictionary…
Let’s take a look to the ldap.
First of all, let’s see if it allows anonymous binds. To do so I can use ldapsearch
ldapsearch -H ldap:// -x -b "dc=htb,dc=local”
The -x flag is used to specify anonymous authentication, while the -b flag denotes the base dn to start from. We were able to query the domain without credentials, which means null bind is enabled. Now we can use windapsearch
to obtain more info from the domain:
/home/angellm/repos/windapsearch/ -d htb.local --dc-ip -U
: Enumerate all users, i.e. objects with objectCategory set to user.
These users are the ones that we previously had… let’s try to obtain even more info using the flag --custom "objectClass=*"
in order to obtain all the objects in the domain
The object svc-alfresco
catches my attention. Let’s google it:
Set up authentication and sync
So… this account seems to not require Kerberos preauthentication so… maybe we can get a valid TGT form it via AS-REP Roast:
Yeah, we got a NTLM hash of the user svc-alfresco. Let’s try to crack it using john:
Yeah, we have a password. Let’s see if it is valid using crackmapexec:
Yes, its a valid credential.
As we have a valid credential and there is a winrm service active in the port 47001, maybe we can try to gain access to target machine using evilwinrm
Yeah, we obtained a PowerShell. Let’s look for the user flag:
Now is time to escalate privileges. Let’s see which privileges this user has:
And let’s see also the groups this account is in
I see nothing to use. But let’s use Bloodhound to see it more clearly:
When imported into BloodHound it I searched SVC-ALFRESCO user and marked as OWNED.
Double clicking on this user I see that it’s included in 9 groups:
So, I click on the number 9 to display them:
Mmmm… That group called ACCOUNT OPERATORS looks interesting. Apparently, members of this group are allowed create and modify users and add them to non-protected groups. So maybe we can use that.
Let’s go to the Analysis “Shortest Paths to High Value Targets”
Is a little bit messy. One of the paths shows that the Exchange Windows Permissions group has WriteDacl
privileges on the Domain. The WriteDACL privilege gives a user the ability to add ACLs to an
object. This means that we can add a user to this group and give them DCSync privileges.
And now we can use secrets-dump to see the hashes!
We got the hash of the administrator account.
We can perform a pass the hash attack to log in as the administrator:
Yeah, we are logged as Administrator. Now is time to search the root flag: